랭크10 퀘스트 - Bajsalijen - Fit for a Queen
[10:50 p.m.]Bajsaljen: If Misija yet lacks what is required to fulfill her plans, then we must either wrest the blade from her grasp or destroy it. Should the situation call for it, we may need to cut her down in the process. [10:50 p.m.]Mikoto: What if it were possible to take both Misija and the blade into our custody without conflict?
[10:50 p.m.]Mikoto: As I understand it, there have been markedly fewer sightings of the queen's apparition, correct?
[10:50 p.m.]Marsak: Yes, and with good reason. With no means of combating such a foe, our troops have barely set foot outside of our encampments.
[10:50 p.m.]Mikoto: I believe that Misija has her own reasons for making only sporadic appearances. She must use the crystal focus to conjure Queen Gunnhildr, and therein lies the rub, for its reserves of aether are not without limitation.
[10:50 p.m.]Bajsaljen: Then perhaps she fears the crystal focus nears exhaustion. But what prevents her from simply restoring its aether and resuming her assault? [10:50 p.m.]Lilja: Well, it just so happens the crystal focus requires aether of a very specific sort. We were only able to find one source, and that's still depleted from when we used it.
[10:51 p.m.]Mikoto: Before we returned, 이름 and I chanced to spy Misija commanding Queen Gunnhildr to enslave a group of soldiers, but the apparition vanished after turning only one of them. I suspect the crystal lacked the energies necessary to complete the task.
[10:51 p.m.]Gerolt: That's all well an' good, lass, but Misija ain't no fool. Until she figures out how to get the crystal focus workin' again, she won't be showin' her face again.
[10:51 p.m.]Mikoto: She will. At least...I think she will. 이름 and I shared another vision of the future.
[10:51 p.m.]Bajsaljen: Heading to the ruins in the midst of a storm? But for what?
링크쉘이 갑자기 울린다.
[10:51 p.m.]Lilja: Well, it looks like that part of the vision is already coming true. Thunderclouds are gathering above the southern front, and a nasty downpour won't be far behind! [10:51 p.m.]Bajsaljen: Then we must make ready before the rains come in earnest. Marsak, ready the men.
[10:51 p.m.]Bajsaljen: I understand your trepidation, Mikoto, but you must have faith in your gift. We will stop Misija. I promise you that.
[10:51 p.m.]Bwagi: It was not by 이름's hand alone that we survived our ordeal in Rabanastre, lest you forget. We each have our part to play, and yours is no less important than any other.
[10:51 p.m.]Gerolt: Speakin' o' which, you'd best join the others and set out afore the rains come. [10:52 p.m.]Mikoto: Yes, of course.
-영상 종료
[10:52 p.m.]Bajsaljen: After careful instruction from Mikoto, our soldiers are ready to depart. When you are ready, Blade 이름, we will make for the ruins.
[10:52 p.m.]Marsak: If Mikoto's vision of the future is true, this may be our only opportunity to apprehend Misija and reclaim Save the Queen.
[10:52 p.m.]Mikoto: Everything appears to be in order. Are you ready, 이름?
>I'll be with you in two shakes of a Hrothgar's tail. (거절)
>Am I ready? I was waiting for you! (수락)
-전투 퀘스트 발생
비 내리는 전장, 미코토가 본 미래대로 진입하는 저항군.
[2:33 p.m.]Bajsaljen: Not another step! We have you surrounded!
성석의 힘을 이끌어 내려 하지만 발동되지 않는 것을 보고 당황하는 미시야.
공격 명령을 내리는 바이샤엔, 천천히 포위하려 다가가는 순간 폭격음과 함께 제국군이 들이닥쳐 역으로 포위당하는 상황이 된다.
[2:35 p.m.]Bajsaljen: A trap!?
[2:36 p.m.]Misija: Come out, Mikoto! I know you're here!
몸을 숨기는 미코토.
[2:36 p.m.]Misija: You thought your visions of the future would offer an advantage, but you are not the only one possessed of such gifts. Not any longer.
회상을 통해 납치되었던 그 때 초월하는 힘이 미시야에게도 갔음을 깨닫고, 전면에 나서는 미코토. 그리고 저항군과 제국군 간의 전투가 발생된다.
[2:37 p.m.]Marsak: Do not be unnerved. Without the queen to aid them, victory may yet be ours! To arms!
[2:37 p.m.]Misija: Take no prisoners. I want them all dead!
[2:41 p.m.]Misija: Admirable... But futile nonetheless. Ready the delta armor!
두 대의 가브리엘B가 등장.
[2:41 p.m.]Bajsaljen the Righteous: New magitek armor!? When did they find the time to─ No matter. We've come too far to retreat now.
[2:41 p.m.]Marsak the Stalwart: We must divide and conquer, Blade 이름. I will draw this one's attention!
[2:41 p.m.]Mikoto: I will see to Misija. The remaining magitek armor is yours.
[2:37 p.m.]Marsak: Do not be unnerved. Without the queen to aid them, victory may yet be ours! To arms! [2:43 p.m.]Misija: Well? Have you broken the lock yet!?
[2:43 p.m.]4th Legion Soldier: Yes, ma'am! Opening it now!
유적의 문이 열리고, 미코토는 가브리엘B에게 공격당해 다칠 위기에 처한 순간...
가브리엘B를 처치하고 미코토의 앞을 막아나서는 한 건브레이커.
[2:44 p.m.]Seasoned Gunbreaker: I hope you don't mind me butting in.
[2:46 p.m.]Bajsaljen: Rostik!? What are you doing here?
[2:46 p.m.]Rostik: I couldn't let you lot have all the fun! [2:46 p.m.]Misija: Another one come crawling out of the woodwork! [2:46 p.m.]Misija: Gunnhildr's Blades, to me! You are to protect this blade with your lives, in the name of the queen!
세뇌된 군힐드의 검을 이끌고 먼저 유적으로 떠나는 미시야, 그리고 제국군을 막기 위해 남겠다는 로스틱, 브와기를 포함한 지원군.
[2:48 p.m.]Rostik: Go on ahead. Leave their toys to us! [2:48 p.m.]Bwagi: We'll be right behind you. Now go─Mikoto needs you!
- 군힐드 딜브람(Delubrum Reginae)
미코토와 진입 전 대화
[2:50 p.m.]Mikoto: If only I had remembered what Misija did to me. I recall a strange device and being tied down, but sadly the rest is a haze...
[2:50 p.m.]Mikoto: That she would go to such lengths to lay claim to those ruins can only mean one thing─a store of crystals with the capacity to power Save the Queen must lie within.
[2:50 p.m.]Mikoto: Please, you must stop her! If she should bring the blade's full might to bear, all hope is lost!
군힐드 딜브람
진입 시
[11:07 p.m.]Mikoto: Extraordinary... To think such vast ruins could endure underground for all these years. I pray we can find Misija before it's too late.
[11:07 p.m.]Mikoto: Hmmm... How are we to pass?
1넴 Trinity Seeker / Theater of One
[11:07 p.m.]Mikoto: <gasp>
[11:07 p.m.]Mikoto: Is that...!? Heavens forfend. Careful, everyone!
[11:08 p.m.]Trinity Seeker: We are the Blades of the Verdant Path. Three who fight as one. All who trespass must be purged, in the name of the queen!
[11:08 p.m.]Mikoto: The Verdant Path...? Then this amalgamation of aether I sense is... Oh no!
[11:08 p.m.]Blaz's Voice: Before our blade, you are nothing.
[11:09 p.m.]Velibor's Voice: You would forgo our mercy? Then suffer by our baleful blade!
[11:09 p.m.]Mikoto: I... I recognize their─I mean, its aether. But how could this be?
[11:09 p.m.]Velibor's Voice: It's too late for you!
[11:10 p.m.]Aggie's Voice: We shall break you with fists of iron!
[11:10 p.m.]Velibor's Voice: You would forgo our mercy? Then suffer by our baleful blade! [11:11 p.m.]Velibor's Voice: It's too late for you!
[11:12 p.m.]Blaz's Voice: Submit, that we might offer you a merciful end.
[11:12 p.m.]Blaz's Voice: Before our blade, you are nothing.
[11:12 p.m.]Blaz's Voice: A futile endeavor.
[11:13 p.m.]Aggie's Voice: We shall break you with fists of iron!
[11:14 p.m.]Blaz's Voice: Before our blade, you are nothing.
[11:15 p.m.]Trinity Seeker: Three...as one. Now and...forever...more...
[11:15 p.m.]Mikoto: I pray your spirit may at last find rest.
2넴 Dahu / Hall of Supplication
[11:15 p.m.]Mikoto: Have these creatures always lived down here, I wonder...? I wish we did not have to fight, but I fear they leave us little choice.
[11:19 p.m.]Mikoto: Well fought, 이름.
[11:19 p.m.]Mikoto: Let us see where this portal leads.
3넴 Queen's Knight / Hall of Hieromancy
[11:20 p.m.]Mikoto: It would seem they are intent on blocking our path.
[11:20 p.m.]Queen's Knight: Halt! By order of Queen Gunnhildr, the punishment for trespassing is death!
[11:20 p.m.]Mikoto: Are they too under the influence of Save the Queen? I suppose we have no choice but to fight.
[11:26 p.m.]Queen's Knight: You shall perish long before our defenses are breached.
[11:26 p.m.]Mikoto: This does not bode well, 이름. We have to stop them!
[11:27 p.m.]Queen's Knight: Fall back! Fall back! The queen cannot be left unguarded!
[11:27 p.m.]Mikoto: They've...retreated...?
[11:27 p.m.]Mikoto: If they were placed here to protect Save the Queen, then Misija must be ahead. Quickly!
4넴 Bozjan Phantom / Pride of the Lion
[11:28 p.m.]Mikoto: Spirits!? Even in death they are denied solace... Let us lay them to rest!
[11:28 p.m.]Bozjan Phantom: Who dares disturb our slumber?
[11:30 p.m.]Bozjan Phantom: At last... Our souls...may rest...
[11:30 p.m.]Mikoto: May they find peace in the aetherial sea.
5넴 Trinity Avowed / Vault of Singing Crystal
[11:31 p.m.]Mikoto: I believe the worst is past. Though there is still no sign of Misija.
[11:32 p.m.]Mikoto: Another of the tempered Blades... Gods, what has Misija done?
[11:33 p.m.]Trinity Avowed: Death to those who dare defy the queen. So it is decreed, and so it shall be!
[11:34 p.m.]Mikoto: More souls made thrall to Misija and Queen Gunnhildr... Why did it come to this?
[11:34 p.m.]Xeven's Voice: No matter the cost, you must be dealt with.
[11:34 p.m.]Trinity Avowed: A ruin of ice and fire upon thee!
[11:34 p.m.]Mikoto: Its magicks have destabilized our thermoregulatory─ Ahem... We must return our body temperatures to normal.
[11:35 p.m.]Mikoto: Perhaps these aetherial agglomerations can help us. If you feel overly hot or cold, seek one whose temperature is an opposing extremity.
[11:35 p.m.]Isolde's Voice: Surrender now and perhaps we will show mercy.
[11:35 p.m.]Trinity Avowed: The queen's decree must needs be fulfilled! We will bathe this chamber in flames if we must!
[11:35 p.m.]Mikoto: Bathed in flame!? Fall back, 이름!
[11:35 p.m.]Isolde's Voice: I have you now!
[11:36 p.m.]Stanik's Voice: Like animals to slaughter, we shall cut you down.
[11:37 p.m.]Trinity Avowed: Let our magick become flesh, a redoubtable vessel to fulfill the queen's will!
[11:38 p.m.]Xeven's Voice: No matter the cost, you must be dealt with.
[11:38 p.m.]Xeven's Voice: You doubt our power!? Behold...!
[11:38 p.m.]Trinity Avowed: Let our magick become flesh, a redoubtable vessel to fulfill the queen's will!
[11:39 p.m.]Isolde's Voice: Surrender now and perhaps we will show mercy.
[11:40 p.m.]Isolde's Voice: I have you now!
[11:41 p.m.]Stanik's Voice: Very well... Perhaps you would rather fall by our sword.
[11:41 p.m.]Mikoto: Its magicks have warped the blade somehow...
[11:42 p.m.]Trinity Avowed: We...have failed... Our duty... Our queen...
[11:42 p.m.]Mikoto: These ruins are endless. Where could she be?
막넴 The Queen / Queensheart
모두를 물리치고 마지막 공간에 도달한 미코토와 빛전은, 미시야를 마주한다.
군힐드의 검(이름 까먹었습니다 ㅈㅅ합니다)을 스스로에게 통과시켜 마침내 자신의 몸에 군힐드의 여왕을 강림시키는데 성공한 미시야.
[11:44 p.m.]The Queen: I am Gunnhildr... I am queen! Bozja is mine to rule, now and forevermore!
[11:44 p.m.]Mikoto: She's become a vessel for the blades' power... 이름, I'm afraid she must be slain. There is no other way.
[11:45 p.m.]The Queen: Lady of blades, bring forth my betrayers. Purify their hearts, and return them to glory! [11:45 p.m.]The Queen: Hearken now to the clarion call of war! The time for battle has come.
[11:45 p.m.]Mikoto: Prepare yourself, 이름. She compels them to march.
[11:46 p.m.]The Queen: You think yourself beyond judgment!?
[11:47 p.m.]The Queen: Never again shall Bozja come to harm. I will not allow it!
[11:47 p.m.]The Queen: Mine is the just path. The righteous path! And I will not suffer a second betrayal!
[11:47 p.m.]Mikoto: Are you all right, everyone? [11:47 p.m.]The Queen: How can this be!? No... No, I will not let it end like this!
[11:47 p.m.]The Queen: Lady of blades, I beseech you─grant me the strength to overcome our oppressors! To reclaim what is rightfully ours!
주사위 기믹
[11:48 p.m.]The Queen: Dire consequences await those who defy me.
[11:48 p.m.]Mikoto: As strange as this may sound, I suspect we must march as well if we mean to avoid coming to harm.
[11:48 p.m.]The Queen: To me, my subjects!
보즈야 저항군에게 패배한 이후 마지막 힘을 끌어내 반격을 시도하는 미시야. 그런 앞에 보즈야 여왕의 환영이 나타나 고개를 가로젓고, 미시야는 잠시 쳐다보다가 승복한 듯 고개를 숙이고 빙의가 해제된다.
던전 완료 후 컷씬
[11:55 p.m.]Bajsaljen: Blade 이름! Mikoto! Are you all right?
[11:55 p.m.]Marsak: Is she...?
[11:55 p.m.]Mikoto: No, merely unconscious. [11:55 p.m.]Bajsaljen: Let us take her with us back to Utya's Aegis without delay. I fear imperial reinforcements will be upon us ere long.
미시야, 성검, 성석을 챙겨 우선 복귀하는 일행.
보즈야 전선, 전초기지
[11:56 p.m.]Bajsaljen: It was far from easy, but thanks to the two of you, we have succeeded in reclaiming Save the Queen. [11:56 p.m.]Bajsaljen: But it was a victory bought with great sacrifice. Under the blade's influence, many of Gunnhildr's Blades were transformed beyond recognition. At least now their suffering is at an end...
[11:56 p.m.]Bajsaljen: A heavy loss for the Resistance, 'tis true, but having wrested Save the Queen from the hands of the IVth Legion, we may resume our offensive unimpeded. [11:56 p.m.]Bajsaljen: And we must do so quickly, while they remain few in number.
[11:56 p.m.]Mikoto: What will become of Misija? [11:56 p.m.]Marsak: For now, she will remain in solitary confinement in Gangos.
[11:56 p.m.]Marsak: First and foremost we must deal with the threat of the IVth Imperial Legion. Once they have been routed, she will be made to stand trial for her crimes.
[11:56 p.m.]Marsak: Espionage, primal summoning, the tempering of Gunnhildr's Blades... She has much to atone for. [11:56 p.m.]Bajsaljen: As do many of our people, I would say. For it was the callousness and cruelty of those seeking the glory of our forebears that drove her to side with the Empire. Nevertheless, it is no excuse for her transgressions.
미시야의 처우에 대해 물어보는 미코도. 마르사크는 그녀가 우선은 강고스의 군사감옥에 수감되어 있으며, 전쟁범죄를 포함한 많은 문제에 연루되어 있으므로 해결할 일이 많다고 한다.
[11:56 p.m.]Bajsaljen: As for Save the Queen, it should go without saying we mustn't allow it to fall into the wrong hands again. [11:56 p.m.]Rostik: I thought perhaps it could be destroyed, but I've yet to leave so much as a scratch on the accursed thing. [11:56 p.m.]Bajsaljen: I think it best if you were to take it, Mikoto. No doubt its study would prove a most illuminating experience for you. Unless, of course, you would rather it be locked away. I shall defer to your judgment.
성검에 관해서는, 다시 사용되지 않도록 미코토에게 맡기기로 한다. 성검을 받아든 순간 초월하는 힘이 발동해 어떤 비공정에서 떨어지는 미코토와, 어떤 목소리가 미코토, 안돼!!!라고 외치는 소리를 듣는다.
[12:31 a.m.]Marsak: Mikoto! Is something wrong?
[12:31 a.m.]Mikoto: No... No, I am fine. Merely tired is all. [12:31 a.m.]Bajsaljen: Then I bid you return to Gangos and rest. You have more than earned it.
[12:31 a.m.]Bwagi: Wh-What in the world!?
그저 피곤할 뿐이라고 둘러대는 미코토. 강고스로 돌아가서 이만 휴식하라 권하는 바이샤엔이었지만, 그 순간 하늘에 거대한 제국의 비공정이 나타나며 모두가 강고스로 빠르게 철수한다.
[12:32 a.m.]Lyon rem Helsos: About damned time. Now that we command the skies, they're done for. [12:32 a.m.]Bajsaljen: Quickly─we must withdraw to Gangos! [12:32 a.m.]Menenius sas Lanatus: At last, victory is within our grasp.
강고스 철수 이후 Marsak과 대화
[12:33 a.m.]Marsak: Gods preserve us. I did not think they would go so far as to deploy a warship. [12:33 a.m.]Marsak: Though the odds are stacked against us, we have come too far to abandon our home. I will send word to Lord Hien, that we may begin preparations to make a final stand. [12:33 a.m.]Marsak: If we fail, it will be the end for Bozja. When the final battle is upon us, I pray we can count on your aid one last time.
Fit for a Queen 완료